Online Seminar: Novel Unconventional Radiotherapy Techniques

06. Oct – 06. Oct


06. Oct – 06. Oct


2nd International Radiation Oncology Online-Seminar: Novel Unconventional Radiotherapy Techniques: Current Status and Future Perspectives


We all have witnessed remarkable technological, physical and biological developments in the field of radiation oncology resulting in improved treatment effectiveness and reduced complication rates thanks to the high-precision in tumor identification, localization and dose delivery. However, these improvements in local control and survival do not apply to all clinical situations. A significant percent of oncologic patients still remains hopeless, like those affected by very large, unresectable bulky tumors that are unsuitable for the conventional radio-chemotherapy. These patients are predestined to palliative or best supportive care. From that the need to improve treatment outcomes for this patient population arises.

In order to present and to discuss the currently available data in regard to novel, unconventional radiotherapy techniques, MedAustron is organizing an online seminar that will focus on emerging spatially fractionated radiotherapy approaches with potential to increase the radiation therapeutic ratio. The goal is to bring together leaders in the field to give talks that are experience-focused to foster learning, understanding, inspiration and wonder, provoking conversations that matter.

Scientific Program

02.00 Welcome Address
Slavisa Tubin, Chair of the Organizing Committee; Ben J. Slotman, ESTRO President; Eugen B. Hug, Medical Director MedAustron
02.15 – 04.20 Session 1
Spatially fractionated radiotherapy: GRID, LATTICE, PATHY, MINIBEAM,
MICROBEAM – past, present & future
02.15 – 02.35 GRID Radiotherapy
Majid M. Mohiuddin, Radiation Oncology Consultants and Northwestern Proton Center, Warrenville, Illinois, USA
02.40 – 03.00 LATTICE Radiotherapy
Xiaodong Wu, Innovative Cancer Institute based in Miami, Florida, USA
03.05 – 03.25 SBRT-PATHY, Particle-PATHY
Slavisa Tubin, MedAustron Center for Particle Therapy and Research, Wr. Neustadt, Austria
03.30 – 03.50 Minibeam and Microbeam radiotherapy
Yolanda Prezado, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Universités Paris, France
03.55 – 04.15 Distal non-targeted radiation effects
Pedro Lara, Department of Oncology San Roque University Hospital, Las Palmas, Spain
04.20 Break
04.40 – 08.15 Session 2
FLASH, low doses, single doses, particles
04.40 – 05.00 Importance of radiation dose and fraction: single doses
Carlo Greco, Radiation Oncology, Champalimaud Clinical Centre, Lisbon, Portugal
05.05 – 05.25 Importance of radiation dose and fraction: low doses
Mariangela Massaccesi, Radiation Oncology, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy
05.30 – 05.50 Importance of dose-rate: FLASH
Marie-Catherine Vozenin, RB, Hospital CHUV and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
05.55 – 06.15 Particle therapy: LET-dose painting
Niels Bassler, Department of Clinical Medicine – DCPT – Danish Center for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark
06.20 – 06.40 An update on the radiation-induced bystander effect: lost in translation?
Kevin Prise, Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland
06.45 – 07.05 Reprogramming of tumor microenvironment by low dose radiotherapy
Chandan Guha, Montefiore Medical Center, New York, USA
07.10 – 07.30 Personalized ultrafractionated stereotactic adaptive radiotherapy (PULSAR)
Robert Timmermann, Department of Radiation Oncology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
07.35 – 07.55 Particle therapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy: potentiation of immune anti-tumor
Marco Durante, Abteilung Biophysik, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
08.00 – 08.15 Concluding Remarks
Slavisa Tubin, Chair of the Organizing Committee

Seminar registration

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